Independent experts nominated by country party
Marta Matilde Moglia
First name
Marta Matilde
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Plant Science
Facultad de Química Bioquímica y Farmacia
Telephone number
+54 2652 456141
Work experience
Investigador of the research proyect PROICO 2-0202. Analysis and quality of water and air. Monitoring Network Design. 2008-2009_x000D_
Investigator of research proyects: Biological Invasions in Argentina. INBIAR 2003-2005._x000D_
Investigator of “Studies of wetlands in the center-west of San Luis”. 2006. Government of the Province of San Luis._x000D_
Book Author. The cultivation of native plants in the province of San Luis ISSN 0328-9281. 50 pp._x000D_
Investigator of the research proyect Nº 2-8305 (Nº22/Q321): Structural functional and ecological studies in San Luis Flora taxa. 2003-2005._x000D_
Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the drafting of the Paper Feed System of Natural Protected Areas of the Province of San Luis.
Investigator of research proyects: Biological Invasions in Argentina. INBIAR 2003-2005._x000D_
Investigator of “Studies of wetlands in the center-west of San Luis”. 2006. Government of the Province of San Luis._x000D_
Book Author. The cultivation of native plants in the province of San Luis ISSN 0328-9281. 50 pp._x000D_
Investigator of the research proyect Nº 2-8305 (Nº22/Q321): Structural functional and ecological studies in San Luis Flora taxa. 2003-2005._x000D_
Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the drafting of the Paper Feed System of Natural Protected Areas of the Province of San Luis.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Degree in Ecology and conservation of renewable natural resources. Dr. in Biological Sciences._x000D_
Universidad de Córdoba. Spain. 2001.
Universidad de Córdoba. Spain. 2001.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. 2006. - Urban Phytosociology. The community of Poa annua and Coronopus didymus in the center Argentina.Acta Botanica Malacitana 31: 131-140._x000D_
2. 1998 –Respuestas al desmonte de las especies leñosas, en un bosque de quebracho blanco (Aspidosperma quebracho blanco) y algarrobo (Prosopis flexuosa), de la_x000D_
Provincia de San Luis (Argentina). Moglia, M. y G. Jofré. PHYTON (International Journal of Experimental Botany 63: 257-265._x000D_
3. 2000 -Caracteres morfológicos diferenciales de las semillas de Acacia (Fabaceae) de especies nativas de la Provincia de San Luis (Argentina). Moglia, M. PHYTON_x000D_
International Journal of Experimental Botany 68: 55-63._x000D_
4. 2001 - Flora of corologyc interest for western Andalucía.M. Moglia, J.M. Delgado Marzo, A. Sánchez Almendro y J. M. Muñoz Álvarez. Acta Bot. Malacitana. XXVI_x000D_
5. 2002. -Novedades corológicas para el valle del Guadalquivir (Vega y campiña baja) en la provincia de Córdoba. Sánchez, A; M. Moglia, J. M. Delgado & J. Muñoz._x000D_
Lagascalia XXII: 160-168.
2. 1998 –Respuestas al desmonte de las especies leñosas, en un bosque de quebracho blanco (Aspidosperma quebracho blanco) y algarrobo (Prosopis flexuosa), de la_x000D_
Provincia de San Luis (Argentina). Moglia, M. y G. Jofré. PHYTON (International Journal of Experimental Botany 63: 257-265._x000D_
3. 2000 -Caracteres morfológicos diferenciales de las semillas de Acacia (Fabaceae) de especies nativas de la Provincia de San Luis (Argentina). Moglia, M. PHYTON_x000D_
International Journal of Experimental Botany 68: 55-63._x000D_
4. 2001 - Flora of corologyc interest for western Andalucía.M. Moglia, J.M. Delgado Marzo, A. Sánchez Almendro y J. M. Muñoz Álvarez. Acta Bot. Malacitana. XXVI_x000D_
5. 2002. -Novedades corológicas para el valle del Guadalquivir (Vega y campiña baja) en la provincia de Córdoba. Sánchez, A; M. Moglia, J. M. Delgado & J. Muñoz._x000D_
Lagascalia XXII: 160-168.
Other activities
1. Member of Cuyo Biological Society since 2005_x000D_
2. Member of Evaluating Commissions in research and education._x000D_
3. Director and co-director of tesis and interships and evaluator six degree thesis
2. Member of Evaluating Commissions in research and education._x000D_
3. Director and co-director of tesis and interships and evaluator six degree thesis
Firs award in the Workshop of Native Plants and Conservation of Biodiversity. San_x000D_
Luis. Argentina. 2005.
Luis. Argentina. 2005.
Organisation name
Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria
Organisation street address
UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE SAN LUIS EN LUGAR DE Universidad de Córdoba Chacabuco y Pedernera. (5700)
Organisation city
San Luis
Organisation country