Independent experts nominated by country party

Masao Toyama

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken


Job function
Associate Professor
Arid Land Research Center, Tottori University
Telephone number
81 857 29-4202
Work experience
International comparative study of interactive impact between desertification/land degradation and human activities in Asia_x000D_
- surveyed the situation of desertification in selected Asia countries in various arid regions, through review of documents and case studies implemented by parallel study teams, (includign participation to field survey in Radjasthan, India)_x000D_
- analyzed interactive impact of human activities and desertification in each country, _x000D_
- proposed the direction for the contribution to control desertification through international comparative study_x000D_
Systematic identification and categorization of desertification/land degradation control technolgies_x000D_
- identified and categorized technologies to combat desertification/land degradation more systematic, by analyszing the projects which have been successfully implemented in different parts of the world._x000D_
- identified those technologies which should be rapidly developed and applied and be most effective in combating desertific
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Bachelor of Agriculture, Tottori, university 1965_x000D_
Master of Agriculture, Kyushu, University 1967_x000D_
Doctor of Agriculture, Kyushu, University 1972
Number of Publications
Publication titles
Greening the Deserts, Kosei Publishing Co., Tokyo Tokyo 1995_x000D_
Onions and Allied Crops, Vol III CRC Press, N.Y 1990_x000D_
The third Yomiuri International Cooperation Award, 1995_x000D_
The first Japan-korea International Environmental Contribution Award, 1996
Other activities
1. Ecological Society of Japan_x000D_
2. Japan Society of Civil Engineering_x000D_
3. Japan Association for Planning Administration_x000D_
4. International Association for impact Assessment, Japan Chapter
The third Yomiuri International Cooperation Award, 1995_x000D_
The first Japan-Korea International Environmental Contribution Award, 1996
Organisation name
Tottori University
Organisation street address
1390, Hamasaka, 680-0001
Organisation city
Organisation country