Independent experts nominated by country party

Massimo Iovino

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
Soil Degradation
Thematic Areas
UN languages spoken


Job function
Associate Professor
niversità degli Studi di Palermo
Telephone number
0039 09 123897070
Work experience
The main scientific interests focus on soil hydrology and water resources management with_x000D_
specific regard to laboratory and field determination of soil hydraulic properties, soil salinity_x000D_
assessment and control, development of agro-hydrological simulation models for irrigation_x000D_
assessment and pollution control. He held founds from the Italian Minister of University and_x000D_
Research, University of Palermo and Regione Siciliana and supervised 3 Ph.D. students. _x000D_
Geographical area of experience: Scily
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD in Hydrology
Publication titles
1. Bagarello V., Di Stefano C., Ferro V., Giordano G., Iovino M., Pampalone V. (2012) Estimating the USLE soil erodibility factor in Sicily, South Italy. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 28(2):199-206; _x000D_
2. Bagarello V., Di Stefano C., Iovino M., Sgroi A. (2013) Using a transient infiltrometric technique for intensively sampling field-saturated hydraulic conductivity of a clay soil in two runoff plots. Hydrological Processes, 27:3415–3423. oi:10.1002/hyp.94483._x000D_
3. Bagarello V., Iovino M. (2010). Conducibilità idraulica del suolo. Metodi di misura nelle applicazioni idrologiche. Hoepli, Milano, Italy. 382 pp. ISBN 978-88-203-4411-5; _x000D_
4. Antinoro A., Bagarello V., Ferro V., Giordano G., Iovino M. (2014) A simplified approach to estimate water retention for Sicilian soils by the Arya-Paris model. Geoderma, 213: 226-_x000D_
234. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2013.08.004._x000D_
5. Iovino M., Castellini M., Bagarello V., Giordano G. (2013) Using static and dynamic indicators to evaluate soil physical quality in a Sicilian area.
Other activities
1. Member of Soil Science Society of America_x000D_
2. Reviewer for several International Journals (SSSA Journal, Vadose Zone Journal, Journal of_x000D_
Hydrology, Geoderma, Soil Use and Management, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering,_x000D_
Land Degradation and Development)_x000D_
3. Independent expert for European Commission, Directorate I – Environment_x000D_
4. Member of Regional Coordinating Committee for fighting drought and desertification
1. National Scientific Qualification for Full Professor attained on 15/1/2014
Organisation name
Universita di Roma TRE
Organisation street address
Viale delle Scienze ed.4 ingr. E -, 90128
Organisation city
Organisation country