Independent experts nominated by country party

Mauro Centritto

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Environmental Management
Global Change
UN languages spoken



Geographical Focus
Job function
Research Director
Work experience
Project experience (advisory or participant) _x000D_
Over the past 20 years he has led research teams working on agricultural and forest related topics including: impact of elevated CO2 concentration and rising temperature on the physiology and growth of agricultural and forest ecosystems; physiological basis of salt tolerance; plant growth and water use efficiency along desertification gradient; optimization of water use by native plants in arid lands facing global change and desertification; climate proof" plants: combating desertification through innovative agricultural practices; multiple roles of biodiversity in biogeochemical cycles to comply with the Kyoto protocol. He has taught a variety of university courses at the University of Molise (Italy), Chinese Academy of Forestry (China), International Training Schools for early stage Researchers, supervisor of PhD and Postdoc students, many from overseas. He has a strong experience in the organization of events and transfer of knowledge activities.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Doctorate degree in Agricultural Sciences, University of Naples, Italy; _x000D_
Ph.D. in Plant Ecology, Institute of Ecology and Resource Management, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Edinburgh, UK.
Publication titles
1) Centritto M., Lee H.S.J. & Jarvis P.G. (1999) Increased growth in elevated [CO2]: an early, short-term response? Global Change Biology 5, 623-633. Wiley, Malden MA._x000D_
2) Centritto M., Loreto F. & Chartzoulakis K. (2003) The use of low [CO2] to estimate diffusional and non-diffusional limitations of photosynthetic capacity of salt-stressed olive saplings. Plant, Cell and Environment 26, 585-594. Wiley, Malden MA._x000D_
3) Shi Z., Cheng R., Liu S., Sorrentino G. & Centritto M. (2008) Carbon assimilation, d13C and water relations of Elaeagnus angustifolia grown at two groundwater depths in the Minqin desert, China. Plant Biosystems 142, 525-532. Taylor & Francis, Abingdon._x000D_
4) Centritto M., Brilli F., Fodale R. & Loreto F. (2011) Different sensitivity of isoprene emission, respiration, and photosynthesis to high growth temperature coupled with drought stress in black poplar (Populus nigra). Tree Physiology 31, 275-286. Oxford University Press, Oxford._x000D_
5) Centritto M., Tognetti R., Leitgeb E., Strelcová K. & Cohen S. (2011) Chapter 3: Above Ground Processes - Anticipating Climate Change Influences. In: Forest Management and the Water Cycle: An Ecosystem-Based Approach (Bredemeier M., Cohen S., Godbold D.L., Lode E., Pichler V. & Schleppi P., eds), pp. 31-64. Ecological Studies 212. Springer, Dordrecht.
Other activities
1. Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment (2003-ongoing)._x000D_
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Functional Plant Biology (2009-ongoing)._x000D_
2. International Project Reviewer: Global Change and Ecosystems, Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS), Grands équipements- Infrastructures, Belgium; Archimedes III, Greece; Thalis, Greece; _x000D_
3. Italian representative to COST FP 0601 Forest Management and the Water Cycle (FORMAN), funded under Framework 7._x000D_
4. Consultant of the Italian IPCC Focal Point. Consultancy fields: global carbon balance, climate change, teaching ecology, advice on postgraduate training, carbon sequestration and Joint Implementation._x000D_
5. Reviewer For International Journals
1. External Professor at the Chinese Academy of Forestry, Pechino (Cina) (2009-on going)._x000D_
2. Adjunct Professor at the Department of Environmental Sciences - PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi (Rawalpindi, Pakistan) (2010-on going). _x000D_
3. Member of the Advisory Board of The Association of DesertNet International (2010-on going).
Organisation name
National Research Council
Organisation street address
via Salaria km. 29,300, 00015
Organisation city
Monterotondo Scalo
Organisation country