Independent experts nominated by country party

Mihajlo Markovic

Prof. Dr
First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Agricultural sciences
Environmental sciences/ecology
Soil science
Thematic Areas
Land degradation
Soil conservation
Sustainable land management
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Bosnia and Herzegovina
United States of America
Job function
Professor of Soil Science
Faculty of Agriculture
Telephone number
+387 51 330 915
+387 65 547 707
Work experience
In the previous period I have participated in numerous international and national projects, as the coordinator anr/or as the expert. Some of them were related to the land degradation, to the drought, to the sustainable land management, etc. Between them are: EU Interreg DTP "Drought Risk in the Danube Region - DriDanube" project with the main objective to increase the capacity of the Danube region to manage drought related risks. The project aims at helping all stakeholders involved in drought management become more efficient during drought emergency response and prepare better for the next drought. I was the External expert of RHMZRS in BIH for the preparation of the Strategy on Drought. 2017-2019; FAO/GEF full-size project: “Decision Support for 
Mainstreaming and Scaling up of Sustainable Land Management - DS-SLM” (GCP/GLO/337/GFF). Expert Group Leader and project coordinator for RS entity. Pilot areas in three RS municipalities: Pelagicevo - irrigation, Samac - flood protection and Trebinje - afforestation against soil erosion with scaling-up and scaling-out to the other RS municipalities: Bijeljina, Bratunac, Laktasi, Gradiska, etc.. 2017-2019; SWG - GIZ project: “Rural development through integrated forest and water resource management in Southeast-Europe: Rural perspectives: qualification, reintegration and (self) employment”, jointly implemented by SWG and GIZ. Assessment of the application of the Agri-Environmental Policy (AEP) SEE countries. Expert for Soil and water policy for BIH. 2018; SWG - GIZ project “Rural Development through Integrated Forest, Soil and Water Resource Management in Southeast Europe” (LEIWW) on behalf of the German Cooperation. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Rural Development through Integrated Forest and Water Resources Management in Southeast Europe (LEIWW). Expert for Soil and Water Management of the RS entity. 2016-2017; Land Degradation Neutrality Target Setting Process - LDN TSP in BIH”, Active involvement as the Soil and Land degradation expert, with activities in numerous municipalities in RS and some in FBiH. 2016-2017; Preparation of the Action programme to combat land degradation and mitigate the effects of drought in Bosnia and Herzegovina- AP BIH for UNCCD, UNEP -GEF Project 2013-2014, NAP Preparation Coordinator (1 from 2 from BIH).
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD, Agriculture - Soil science, University of Novi Sad, 2000.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Markovic M. et al. (2019) Alleviation of Negative Climate Change Effects on Maize Yields in Northern Bosnia by Liming and Phosphorus Fertilization. In: Leal Filho W., Trbic G., Filipovic D. (eds) Climate Change Adaptation in Eastern Europe. Climate Change Management. Springer, Cham.

2. M Markovic et al 2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 222 012024: Water resources in Bratunac municipality as an opportunity for irrigation in agriculture. Presented on the International Scientific Conference People, Buildings and Environment 2018 (PBE2018), 2018, Brno, Czech Republic,

3. Marijana Kapovic Solomun, Nichole Barger, Artemi Cerdà, Saskia Keesstra, Mihajlo Markovic 2018 Assessing land condition as a first step to achieving land degradation neutrality: A case study of the Republic of Srpska Environmental Science & Policy (2018). Volume 90, December 2018, pages 19-27.

4. Nenad Malić, Una Matko Stamenković, Mihajlo Marković, Zlatan Kovačević (2017): Sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense Pers.) in the reclamation of technosols in the Stanari mining area. Original scientific paper. Contemporary Agriculture, Vol. 66, No. 3 - 4, Pp. 53 - 59, 2017. DOI:10.1515/contagri-2017-0019.

5. Ilija Komljenovic, Vlado Kovacevic, Mihajlo Markovic, Goran Djurasinovic, Vojo Radic (2017): Maize response to liming and phosphorus fertilization in Lijevce polje region of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Book of Proceedings, VIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium „AGROSYM 2017“, Jahorina, October 05-08, 2017. p. 67-72.

6. Nenad Malić, Zorica Golić, Mihajlo Marković (2016): Changes in the adsorption complex of rekultisol underneath the seeded grasslands. Original scientific paper. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, special edition of the 9th Congress of the Soil Science Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 23-25 November 2015, Mostar, B&H, Volume 21, Issue 1, Sarajevo 2016, p. 131-137. UDK 631.41(497.6).

7. Zorica Golic, Nenad Malic, Mihajlo Markovic (2016): Microbiological properties of rekultisol under different cultures at Stanari coal mine. Original scientific paper. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, special edition of the 9th Congress of the Soil Science Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 23-25 November 2015, Mostar, B&H, Volume 21, Issue 1, Sarajevo 2016, p. 151-160. UDK 631.427.1(497.6).

8. Siniša Mitrić, Mihajlo Marković, Mladen Babić, Milan Šipka, Dušica Pešević, Duško Dragičević (2016): Physical-chemical characteristics of herbicides used for maize production in bih as factors of potential herbicide leaching in groundwater. Professional paper. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, special edition of the 9th Congress of the Soil Science Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 23-25 November 2015, Mostar, B&H, Volume 21, Issue 1, Sarajevo 2016, p. 297-305. UDK 631.4:632.954; 633.1:632.954(497.6).

9. Ilija Komljenovic, Mihajlo Markovic, Goran Djurasinovic, Vlado Kovacevic (2015): Response of maize to liming and phosphorus fertilization with emphasis on weather properties effects. Columella - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2015), p. 29-35. DOI: 10.18380/SZIE.COLUM.2015.1.29.

10. Mihajlo Marković, Ilija Komljenović, Vlado Kovacević, Vojo Radić, Milana Mišić (2015): Soil reaction (pH) and status of mobile phosphorus and potassium in Sava valley area of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Poreccedings of the 9th International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interaction at Low pH (9th PSILPH), Section 1. October, 18-23, 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia. ISBN: 978-953-7871-40-6. p. 28-29. DOI 10.13140/RG.2.1.2348.6806

11. Zorica Golic, Nenad Malic, Mihajlo Markovic (2015): Microbiological Activity of Deposol in the Reclamation Process attheLocation of Coal Mine Stanari. Original Scientific paper. Agro-knowledge journal (Agroznanje), vol. 15, br. 3, 2014, 245-253. DOI 10.7251/AGRSR1403245G

12. Ilija Komljenovic, Mihajlo Markovic, Goran Djurasinovic, Vlado Kovacevic (2015): Response of maize to liming and ameliorative phosphorus fertilization. 14th Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop. Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina - 2015. p. 35-38. DOI:10.12666/Novenyterm.35 64.2015.Suppl

13. Nenad Malic, Mihajlo Markovic, Vlado Kovacevic, Ilija Komljenovic, Zeljko Lakic (2015): Changes in the chemical properties of the deposol in the reclamation process establishing of the grassland (Promjene hemijskih svojstava u deposolima u postupku rekultivacije zasnivanjem travnjaka). Integrisani skup „ZEMLJIŠTE 2015”, Zbornik radova (Proceedings of works), p. 47-53.

14. Ilija Komljenović, Milana Mišić, Mirjana Marković, Dušica Pešević, Mihajlo Marković (2014): The climate data analysis of Banja Luka area as the basis of agricultural adaptation to climate change planning. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference People, Buildings and Environment 2014 (PBE2014), 15-17 October, 2014, Kroměříž, Czech Republic, pp. 592-603.

15. Velena Komlenić, Mihajlo Marković, Nataša Savković (2014): Priority pollutants and POP's as indicators of water quality in the Vrbas river. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference People, Buildings and Environment 2014 (PBE2014). 15-17 October, 2014, Kroměříž, Czech Republic, pp. 558-568.

16. Hamid Čustović, Marija Misilo & Mihajlo Marković (2014): Water balance of Mediterranean karst soil in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a water conservation and erosion control factor, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 60:1, 100-107, DOI: 10.1080/00380768.2013.862489.

17. Jug Danijel, Komljenović Ilija, Jug Irena, Birkás Márta, Vukadinović Vesna, Marković Mihajlo, Đurđević Boris, Stipešević Bojan, Brozović Bojana, Knežević Šime, Kotorac Filip (2014): Prilagodba sustava obrade tla nepovoljnim vremenskim prilikama (Adapting soil tillage systems to unfavourable weather conditions Agriculture in nature and environment protection). Proceedings & abstracts, 7th international scientific/professional conference, Vukovar, Republic of Croatia, 28th - 30th May 2014. pp. 168-173. ISSN 1848-5456.

18. Kovacevic, V., Kovacevic, D., Pepo, P., Markovic, M. (2013): Climate change in Croatia, Serbia, Hungary and Bosnia and Herzegovina: comparison the 2010 and 2012 maize growing seasons Poljoprivreda 19:2013(2) 16-22 [The Journal of „AGRICULTURE“]. Osijek.

19. Ilija Komljenović, Danijel Jug, Mihajlo Marković, Vlado Kovačević, Milana Mišić (2013): Redukovana obrada zemljišta u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji i ublažavanje klimatskih promjena u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini ( Reduced land cultivation in agricultural production and mitigation of climate change in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina ). Zbornik radova. Naučno-stručna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem "Zaštita životne sredine između nauke i prakse - stanje i perspektive" 13. decembar 2013. pp 401-412. Javna naučnoistraživačka ustanova Institut za zaštitu i ekologiju Republike Srpske, Banja Luka.

20. Sabina Hodzic, Mihajlo Markovic, Hamid Custovic (2013): Bosnia and Herzegovina. Proceedings of the 1st Regional Workshop on Capacity Development to Support National Drought Management Policies for Eastern European Countries. Editors: Daniel Tsegai, Reza Ardakanian. UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development (UNW-DPC). Proceedings Series No. 11. Published by UNW-DPC, Bonn, Germany, December 2013. © UNW-DPC, 2013.

21. Kovacevic, V., Kovacevic, D., Pepo, P., Markovic, M. (2013): Climate change in Croatia, Serbia, Hungary and Bosnia and Herzegovina: comparison the 2010 and 2012 maize growing seasons. In press. [The Journal of „AGRICULTURE“] POLJOPRIVREDA. Osijek. Croatia.

22. Custović H., Ljusa M., Markovic M. (2013): Land use changes and loss of soil in Bosnia and Herzegovina as consequences of the war and socio-economic transition, in: Low, P.S. (ed) (2013) Economic and Social impacts of desertification, land degradation and drought. White Paper I. UNCCD 2nd Scientific Conference, prepared with the contributions of an international group of scientists. Available from: (accessed 26 March 2013.). UNCCD Second scientific conference. Bonn, Germany 2013.

23. M. Markovic, M. Misic, B. Markovic, H. Custovic. Soil Water Erosion Degrees in Banja Luka Area, In Proceedings of International Scientific Conference People, Buildings and Environment 2012 (PBE2012), Vol. 2, pp. 571-579, ISSN: 1805-6784.

24. Marković, M., Lukač, Z. (2011): Causes of soil damages in Bosnia and Herzegovina and soil protection measures.
25. JRC Scientific and Technical Reports, Soil Protection Activities and Soil Quality Monitoring in South Eastern Europe, Conference papers, June 18th and 19th 2009, Sarajevo – Bosnia and Herzegovina. p. 111118. European union, 2011, EUR 24889 EN - 2011.

26. Mihajlo Markovic, Ilija Komljenovic, Vlado Kovacevic, Zoran Lukac (2011): Soil acidity and phosphorus status in northern Bosnia and their improvement by agromeliorations. Proceedings of International Conference „Soil, Plant and Food Interactions“ - Brno: Faculty of Agronomy, Mendel University Brno, 2011, 273-280. Brno, Czech Republic. 6–8 September, 2011.ISBN 978-80-7375-534-8

27. Komljenović, M. Marković, Danijela Kondić, V. Kovačević (2010): Response of maize to phosphorus fertilization on hydromorphic soil of Bosnian Posavina area. [The Journal of „AGRICULTURE“] POLJOPRIVREDA 16: 2010 (2) 9-13. Osijek. Originalni naučni rad u časopisu međunarodnog značaja.

28. Markovic, M.; Nesic, Ljiljana; Sekulic, P.; Stikic, Svetlana; Zeremski-Skoric, Tijana; Markovic,Jelena (2010): Water quality in Banja Luka water streams and their suitability for irrigation.Proceedings of the International scientific conference „People, buildings and environment 2010“, Krtiny, November 10-12, 2010, p. 382-385. Czech Republic.

29. Markovic, M., Begovic, P., Pesevic, Dusica (2009): Ground Water Resources of Lijevce Field as a Potential for Irrigation in Agriculture. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering, Volume II. Paper: A95. 1-5 September. p. 721-728. Ohrid, Macedonia.

30. Markovic, M., Komljenovic, I., Kovacevic, V., Todorovic, J., Jovanovic, Z. Djalovic, I. (2009): Influences of liming on maize yields. Plant-Soil Interaction at Low pH and Nutriomatic Approach. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interaction at Low pH, May 17-21. p. 186-187. Guangzhou, China.

31. Komljenovic, I., Markovic, M., Kondic, Danijela, Todorovic, J., Kovacevic, V. (2009): Response of maize to liming and ameliorative phosphorus fertilization. Proceedings of the 44th Croatian 4th International Symposium on Agriculture. February 16-20, p. 532-535. Opatija, Croatia.

32. Nozinic, M., Markovic, M., Trkulja, V. (2009): Experimental Linseed Oil Production in Banja Luka Region. Scientific Bulletin of ESCORENA, Vol. 1, p. 45-47. Editura Universitath Arad.

33. Soskic, S., Mitrovic, D., Markovic, M. (2009): Effects of drip and sprinkling irrigation of vineyards and the effects on skeleton soil types. Agroznanje, vol 10, no. 3. p. 145-152. Banja Luka.

34. Markovic, M. (2009): Causes and consequences of land degradation in the Republic of Srpska. Proceedings of the Third International Congress "Ecology, health, work and sport". 10 - 13 September. p. 364-366. Banja Luka.

35. Markovic, M. (2009): The use of land in order to protect the environment. Proceedings of the Third International Congress "Ecology, health, work and sport". 10 - 13 September. p. 367-369. Banja Luka.

36. Dellantonio, Alex; Fitz, Walter J.; Custovic, Hamid; Repmann, Frank; Schneider, Bernd U.; Grünewald, Holger; Gruberd, Valeria; Zgorelec, Zeljka; Zerem, Nijaz; Carter, Claudia; Markovic, M., Puschenreiter, Markus; Wenzel, Walter W. (2008): Environmental risks of farmed and barren alkaline coal ash landfills in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. //Environmental pollution. 153, 3; 677-686. Scientific paper presented on a meeting of international importance, (the international review).

37. Markovic, M., Bratic, R., Stevanovic, M., Smiljanic, D. (2008): Pedological substrate for studying sustainable development of irrigated area of the Republic of Srpska. Proceedings of the 13th Scientific-technical counseling of the Republic of Srpska agronomists, p. 60-61. Teslic.

38. Markovic, M., Komljenovic, I., Todorovic, J., Biberdzic, M., Delalic, Zemira (2008): Response of maize to liming in northern Bosnia. 7th Alps Adra Scientific Workshop, Stara Lesna, Slovakia.

39. Markovic, M. (2008): Land - a resource of the Republic of Srpska. Proceedings of the conference "Resources of the Republic of Srpska", Academy of Science and Art of Serbian (Conferences,Book XIII, Department of Mathematics and Natural and Technical Sciences, Book 7), p. 161 –174. Banja Luka.

40. Komljenovic I., Markovic M., Jelic, M., Djalovic, I., Kondic Danijela (2008): Residual influence of phosphorus fertilization on maize status in Potkozarje area. 7th Alps Adria Scientific Workshop, Stara Lesna, Slovakia.

41. Zivanović-Katic, Snežana, Jelić, M., Đalović, I., Marković, M. (2008): Effect of lime fertilizers on the infestation of wheat, corn and peas. Agroznanje, vol. 9, No. 4. p. 143-150. Banja Luka.

42. Dellantonio, Alex; Fitz, Walter J; Custovic, Hamid; Grünewald, Holger; Repmann, Frank; Schneider, Bernd U; Edwards, David; Zgorelec, Zeljka; Markovic, M.; Wenzel, Walter W. (2007): Trace element uptake in agricultural and wild plants grown on alkaline coal ash disposal sites in Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) // Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE) / YongGuan, Zhu; Nicholas, Lepp and Ravi, Naidu (ur.). Tsinghua University Press. p. 356 – 357. Beijing.

43. Kovacevic, V., Komljenovic, I., Markovic, M. (2007): Influences of phosphorus fertilization on zinc status in maize. Zinc Crops 2007. Improving Crops Production and human health Conference. May 24-26. Istanbul, Turkey.

44. Rastija, Mirta, Banaj, Dj., Markovic M. (2007): Influence of liming on nutritional status of soil. VI. Alps Adria Workshop. Cereal Research Communications, An International peer-reviewed journal, /Article, scientific/ Vol. 35. No. 2. p. 981-984. Akademiai Kiado, Hungary.

45. Markovic, M., Bratic, R., Stevanovic, M., Smiljanic, D. (2007): Strategic approach to production of irrigation systems in the Republic of Srpska. Proceedings of the Scientific-technical counseling the Republic of Srpska agronomists with International Participation, p. 19-20. Teslic.

46. Markovic, M. (2007): Soil – resource of the Republic of Srpska. Proceedings from the congress “Resources of the Republic of Srpska”. 18-10-2007, Banski Dvor, Banja Luka.

47. Markovic, M., Dardic, M., Janjic, V. (2006): Soil, water, climate – the important natural resources for the Republic of Srpska agriculture. Proceedings from the Meeting of the Republic of Srpska agronomists with International Participation. Teslic.

48. Markovic, M. (2006): Use of land in role of protecting life environment. Proceedings of the First International Congress “Ecology, Health, Labor and Sports”, 1. 2., 08.-11. 06. 2006., p. 62-65. Banja Luka.

49. Markovic, M., Komljenovic, I., Delalic, Zemira., Kovacevic, V. (2006): Phosphorus as a limiting factor of the field crops yield under conditions of the northern Bosnia. Lucrari Stiintifice. Seria Agronomie. Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara Iasi (1454-7414) 49 (2006), 1; 218-222.

50. Markovic, M., Lazic, Svetlana, Babic, M. (2006): Recultivation of slags - the determination of suitable enhancers and their improvement. Preliminary report in the journal of national importance. Agroznanje, vol 7, no. 3. p. 111-118. Banja Luka.

51. Komljenovic I., Markovic M., Todorovic J., Kovacevic V. (2006): Influences of phosphors fertilization on maize yields in Potkozarje area. Proceedings from the 41st Croatian 1st International Symposium on Agriculture, February 2006. p. 415-416. Opatia - Croatia.

52. Komljenic I., Markovic M., Todorovic, J., Kovacevic, V. (2006): Influences of phosphors on maize yields in Potkozarje area. /Article/ Cereal Research Communications 34 (Part 2): 549-552.

53. Markovic, M. (2005): Use of soil in terms of sustainable agriculture and environmental protection. Proceedings from the Scientific-technical counseling the Republic of Srpska agronomists with International Participation, p. 20. Jahorina.

54. Komljenovic, I., Todorovic, J., Markovic, M., Kovacevic, V. (2005): Effect of hail on the yield of corn fertilized with different amounts of phosphorus. Preliminary report in the journal of national importance. Agroznanje. Vol 6. No. 4. p. 51-56. Banja Luka.

55. Komljenic I., Markovic M., Kovacevic V., Veskovic M., Custovic H. (2005): Response of maize to phosphorus fertilization in the Potkozarje area. Proceedings of the XL Croatian Symposium on Agriculture with International Participation. 15 – 18 February. p. 449-450. Opatija, Croatia.

56. Markovic, M., Komljenovic, I., Carkic, T. (2004): Components of soils water balance on Gradiska area. Agroznanje Vol. 5., No. 4. p. 75-81. Banja Luka.

57. Markovic, M. (2004): Soil Types of the Wetland Bardaca. Chapter in monograph: Life in Wetland. p. 59-66. Urban Development Institute of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka. Chapter in a monograph of national importance.

58. Markovic, M. (2003): Application of soil studies in spatial planning. Scientific Symposium on Agriculture Republic of Srpska "New technologies and education as a function of food production" Abstracts, Preliminary reports, 10-14 March. p. 19-20. Teslic.

59. Kovacevic, V., Komljenovic, I., Markovic, M. (2003): The role of calcification in enhancing crop yield. Agroznanje, Year IV, No. 2. p. 226-238. Banja Luka.

60. Markovic, M. (2003): Soil Survey Application in Land Use Planning. Banja Luka. Nozinic, M.; Przulj, N.; Nikolic, S.; Mandic, D.; Markovic, M.; Momcilovic, Vojislava (2003): Influence of nitrogen on the protein content in oats grain. Scientific Symphosium of agronomists "New technologies and education in food production" p. 49, Banja Luka.

61. Markovic, M., Supic, D. (2003): Caracteristics of pseudogley in Gradiska area with suggestion of melioration measures. Agroznanje IV, No 1. p. 142 – 153. Banja Luka.

62. Kovacevic V., Komljenovic I., Markovic M. (2003): Phosphorus as a limiting factor of the field crops yield in the area of the Sava valley. Timisoara’s Academic days 8th edition, Timisoara, 22-23 May 2003. Scientifical papers, Faculty of Agriculture, XXXV, p. 73-76. Editura Mirton Timisoara. Romania.

63. Markovic, M., Travar, J. (2002): Natural vegetation on pseudogley diluvial terrace of Prosara area. Proceedings from the Scientific-technical counseling the Republic of Srpska agronomists, “Research valorization for food production in the Republic of Srpska”, p. 126-127. Teslic. RS, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

64. Markovic, M. (2002): Influence of melioration on calcium and magnesium in pseudogley. Agroznanje. Year III, No. 2. p. 137 – 147. Banja Luka.

65. Đuric, Gordana; Markovic M.; Oljaca R.; Micic N.; Predic T. (2002): Problems of apple growth and nutrition on pseudogley soil. In Monograph: “Plant Physiology in the Nenj Millennium”, p. 49-58. Published by Yugoslav Society of Plant Physiology and Agricultural Research Institute Serbia, Ed Stephan A. Quarrie et al., Belgrade.

66. Komljenovic I., Markovic M. (2002): Effect of reduced soil tillage on the P2O5 and K2O content in soil and its concentration in corn leaf. Sesiunea anuala omagiala de comunicari si referate stiintifice ”80 de ani de la nasterea Prof. dr. doc. st. Iulian Dracea”. 9-10 mai. p. 171-177. Timisoara, Romania.

67. Radevic M., Markovic M., Mikavica D., Bojanic V., Savic N. (2002): Abiotic and biotic characteristics of fishpond Bardaca. The 4th International Conference on Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality. Extended abstracts. August 12-16. p. 282-285. Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic.

68. Mikavica D., Radevic M., Markovic M., Savic N. (2002): Idioecological characteristics of Adriatic trout Salmothymus obtusirostris oxyrhynchus (Steind, 1882). 4th International Conference on Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality. Extended abstracts. August 12-16. p. 232-235. Czech Republic.

69. Sumatic, Nada; Komljenovic I.; Todorovic J.; Markovic M. (2002): Biotechnology in the concept of sustainable agriculture. Agroznanje, Vol. III, no. 3. p. 108-130. Banja Luka.

70. Komljenovic I., Todorovic J., Markovic M. (2002): The concept of sustainable agriculture, the challenges and difficulties. Agricultural calendar. Science and Practice, from the world of science, p. 21-29. Bijeljina.

71. Milic, Mira; Markovic, M. (2001): The Mesozoic carbonates rocks in the western part of the Republic of Srpska and their use for soil liming. Agroznanje 3, p. 207-215. Banja Luka.

72. Markovic M., Komljenovic I., Predic T., Lukic R., Nozinic M. (2000): Effect of war on soil. Proceedings of the second scientific-technical meeting Ecological consequences of the war in environment, Teslic, 3-5. November. Ecologica, Special edition, No. 6.p. 162-164. Beograd- Banja Luka.

73. Komljenovic I.; Sumatic, Nada; Todorovic J.; Markovic M. (2000): The effects of reduced soil tillage on weeds with and without application of herbicides. Proceedings of the 6th Congress on weeds. 19-22 June. p. 416-426. Banja Koviljaca.

74. Markovic M. (1997): Heavy soils – requirements and methods of their drainage. Agroznanje 1, p. 379-384. Banja Luka.

75. Dardic M., Lukic R., Markovic M. (1997): Land and resources of the Republic of Srpska. Book of papers from Scientific meeting "Methods and forms of advancement of private agricultural farms business and development in the Republic of Srpska, p. 73-79, Banja Luka.

76. Przulj N.; Mladenov N.; Momcilovic, Vojislava; Knezevic D.; Bogdanovic M.; Markovic M. (1997): Stability of Grain Yield and Some Grain Physical Characteristics in Malting Barley. Proceedings of the Agro Annual Meeting. China 97, China Agriculture Press. p. 570-576. Beijing.

77. Mladenov N., Przulj N., Malesevic M., Prodanovic M., Bogdanovic M., Markovic M. (1997): Effect of Genotype x Environment on Seed Quality in Winter Wheat. Proceedings of Agro Annual Meeting, China 97, China Agriculture Press. p. 562-569. Beijing.

78. Markovic, M. (1997): Water balance of Tuzla and Brod areas and physical properties of heavy soils as indicators of their drainage need. Book of papers of The 9th Congress of the Yugoslav Society of Soil Sciences, p. 68-74. Novi Sad.

79. Stojiljkovic D., Sekularac G., Markovic M. (1997): Anthropogenic influences on the processes of soil salinization in Banat. Scientific-technical meeting Ecological consequences of the war in environment (report). 4-6 June. Teslic.

80. Markovic M., Lukic R. (1997): Ecological consequences of the war on soil. Scientific-technical meeting Ecological consequences of the war in environment. 4-6 June 1997. Teslic.

81. Predic T., Markovic M., Lukic R. (1997): Toxic substances in soils of the Republic of Srpska. Scientific-technical meeting Ecological consequences of the war in environment. 4-6 June. Teslic.

82. Okiljevic V., Markovic M., Lukic R., Predic T. (1997): State of available Mg in pseudogley soil type of Banja Luka province. Agroznanje 2, p. 315-319. Banja Luka.

83. Lukic R., Dardic M., Markovic M., Ristic D. (1997): Evaluation of production and usage value of land space in the Republic of Srpska. Agroznanje 2, p. 31-35. Banja Luka.

84. Markovic M., Okiljevic V., Lukic R. (1997): Different views on the heavy soils definition (similarities and differences of physical properties). Agroznanje 2, p. 337-341. Banja Luka.

85. Okiljevic V., Markovic M. (1997): Types of soils on hill and hilly-mountain area of Banja Luka with proposition of agro-meliorative measures for intensification of agricultural production on them. Agroznanje, No. 1, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka, p. 391-395. Banja Luka.

86. Okiljevic V., Predic T., Lukic R., Markovic M. (1997): Agricultural land in the Republic of Srpska, basic resource in production of food. Agroznanje 1, p. 15-24. Banja Luka.

87. Przulj, N.; Momcilovic, Vojislava; Mladenov, N.; Markovic, M. (1996): Effect of temperature and precipitation an spring malting barley yields. In: S. Jevtic and S. Pekic (Eds) Proceedings of International Symposium Drought and Plant Production, 17-20 September. p. 195-204. Lepenski Vir, Yugoslavia.

88. Radevic M., Bojanic V., Markovic M., Savic N. (1995): The main abiotic factors of fishpond ecosystem Bardaca-Srbac. Collection of papers of the Republic of Srpska chemists and technologists, No. 37, p. 57-60. Banja Luka.

Other activities
1. Chair of “Bureau of Committee of Science and Technology - CST” and Co-Chair of the Science-Policy Interface of UNCCD (2010-2011).
2. Project coordinator for the preparation Action programme to combat land degradation and mitigate the effects of drought in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2017. in the frame of the project „Support for Bosnia and Herzegovina for National Action Programs development according to 10 years Strategy of United Nations Convention against desertification (UNCCD)” GEF/UNEP project).
2. Member of the Steering Committee for Environmental Protection of BiH
3. Member of “Association of Soil scientists of Bosnia and Herzegovina”.
4. Head of Institute for the Agroecology and Soil Sciences,Bulevar Vojvode Petra Bojovica 1A, Banja Luka, 78000, RS

1. Winner of three Silver badges and diplomas from University of Sarajevo as the student with exceptional results of the generation - average grade over 9 (1983/84; 1984/85: 1985/86).
2. UNCCD NFP for Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 2006 to 2017.
Organisation name
University of Banja Luka
Organisation nature
Head, Institute for the Agroecology and Soil Sciences
Organisation street address
Bulevar Vojvode Petra Bojovica 1A,

Organisation city
Banja Luka 78000, RS
Organisation country
Bosnia and Herzegovina