Independent experts nominated by country party

Mohammad Shabbir Baig

First name
Mohammad Shabbir
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
UN languages spoken


Job function
Deputy Director
Business Development
Telephone number
92 42 7831028
Work experience
1. Designed and supervised soil/ecological surveys of many regions of Pakistan. Since 1964 to date._x000D_
2. Worked as principal investigator in SSP-PARC-PFI. Coordinated research project on agro-ecological zoning of Pakistan and made numerous modules on sustainable natural resource development/management planning._x000D_
3. Worked as national team leader and co-editor in the prepartion of environmental profile of Balochistan under Govt. of Netherland-ITC project._x000D_
4. Worked as environmentalist in Mansehra village support project for IFRD Rome._x000D_
5. Worked as ecologist in Cholestan Dev. Proj. for FAO Rome._x000D_
6. Worked as consultant on many national projects including watershed management and rangeland management.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
M.Sc. in Rural Surveys, ITC, Holland, 1977._x000D_
B.Sc. in Chemistry and Physics, Govt. College, Lahore, 1960.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Co-Editor (1992) Environmental Profile of Balochisten, Pakistan. Larus-ITC, Enchede, Netherlands and EU-SSP, Ecology Unit-Soil Survey of Pakistan, Lahore._x000D_
2. Principal Investigator (1985 and 1986). 10 Crops Production Potential in Potwar Parc - Islamabad. Principal Investigator, Agro-Ecological Zone Project._x000D_
3. Co-author (1994): Utilization of Salt-Affected and Waterlogged Soils of Punjab Through Natural Vegetation, Tech. Report Dept. of Bot., UOP Lahore, SSP, Lahore, IWASRI, Lahore._x000D_
4. Co-author "National Action Programme on Combating Desertifiction in Pakistan", UNEP-PARC/MINFAL, GOP-ESCAP, 1994._x000D_
5. Co-author: "The Sands of Thal: Wind Regimes and Sand Ridge Formations. J.. Geomorph. M.F. Stuttgart, pp. 272-290, Berlin.
Other activities
1. Member Soil Science Society of Pakistan._x000D_
2. External Examiner of Environmental Ecology of the University of Penjab._x000D_
3. Short-term consultancy with National and International Organizations (Nespak, Paidar, CIMAD Nepal, FAO, IFAD Rome). Currently heading the recently started business development unit in the Soil Survey of Pakistan.
Winner of NCS-IUCN award on making a project on participatory rangeland management in Balochistan.
Organisation name
Soil Survey of Pakistan
Organisation street address
Multan Road, P.O. Awan Town
Organisation city
Organisation country