Independent experts nominated by country party

Nina Tanavitskaya

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken



Job function
Chief researcher of the Institute for nature managment of National Academy of sciences of Belarus
Telephone number
00375 017 2674140
Work experience
Developing legal framework for degraded peatland rehabilitation, for determining and altering ways of utilization of depleted peat deposits and other damaged mires: two technical code of common practice. Environmental requirements and rules for assessment of impact on environment from peat deposit mining: technical code of common practice._x000D_
Participation as expert in the project UNDP/GEF «Renaturalization and sustainable management of peatlands in Belarus to combat land degradation, ensure conservation of globally valuable biodiversity and mitigate climate changes» 2006-2010. _x000D_
Responsible executor of the project UNDP/GEF “Landscape approche to management of peatlands aiming multiple ecological benefits» ?82884 (2013-2016)._x000D_
Participation in the project “Wetlands energy” (DCI 2010/220-473), financed by the European Union, registered in Belarus No. 000549 _x000D_
Geographic area of field of experience: Belarus1. genesis of peat deposits; Areas of specialization: 2. inventory and peatlands resources assessment.3. hydrology and stratigraphy of peatlands; 4. conservation and rehabilitation of peat soils
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
higher education, mining- mechanical department, Belarusian polytechnic university, 1977. Post-graduate course 1984-1987, specialty 05.15.05
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Carbon credits from peatland rewetting, (Tanovitskaya N. chapter 2, 5, 6, 7) Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology, Greifswald University, Germany, Stuttgart, 2011, 211 p/ www.schweizerbart.de_x000D_
2. Changes in the areas of natural and damaged peatlands in Belarus over the last 20 years. Materials of international symposium 'Chemical, physical and biological processes in soil' 15–17 June, 2010, Poznan. 147-154 p._x000D_
3. Inventory of mires in Belarus / Nature resources ? 1, 2012. 46-53 p._x000D_
4. Features of stratigraphy of peat deposits of bogs of West-Poozersky mire area / Nature management ? 17, 2010. 91–104 p. _x000D_
5. Methodical recommendations for ecological rehabilitation of damaged mires an prevention of disturbances to the hydrological regime of mire ecosystems in the process of drainage, Minsk,2010, 40 h.
Other activities
1. International expert in conservation and rehabilitation of peatlands (workshops in Germany, i. Vilm, 2008-2010);_x000D_
2. Expert in rehabilitation of peatlands in China (2010).
1. Inventor of USSR
Organisation name
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Organisation street address
10 F.Skoriny Str. 220114
Organisation city
Organisation country