Date of Ratification
Annex V: Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)
National Focal Points
Science and Technology Correspondents
Independent Experts Nominated by Party
UNCCD Accredited CSOs
National Action Programmes
Voluntary LDN Targets (Optional)
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Achievement of land degradation neutrality:
• Share of environment-stabilizing land types (natural meadows, forest land, woodlands and forest plantations, bogs and land of water bodies): at least 57 % of the national territory by 2020; at least 60 % of the national territory by 2030;
• Area of ecologically rehabilitated depleted peat fields and disturbed bogs: at least 55,000 ha by 2020; at least 60,000 ha by 2030;
• Area of land affected water and/or wind erosion: no more than 550,000 ha by 2020; no more than 550,000 ha by 2030.