Independent experts nominated by country party
Valentin Yatsukhno
First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Soil Science
Soil Science
UN languages spoken
Geographical Focus
Job function
Landscape Ecology LAB
Telephone number
375 17 209 548 9
Work experience
My research and expert activities are related to the land use planning and assessment of consequences of land degradation in Belarus. Since 2001 I was involved into the preparation process for joining the republic of Belarus to the UNCCD. I took part in the preparation three national reports (2002, 2006, and 2010) of Belarus on implementation of the UNCCD. As an expert I carried out project UNCCD/GEF “RENATURALIZATION AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF PEATLANDS IN BELARUS TO COMBAT LAND DEGRADATION, MITIGATE CLIMATE CHANGE” DURING 2006-2010.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Dr, soil erosion, land degradation, Latvian agricultural university,1998
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Yatsukhno V.M. land degradation in belarus: what the key issues are and how to address them minsk,2004,22p _x000D_
2. Yatsukhno V.M.., Chernysh A.F. problem of land degradation in Belarus (outlook information).minsk, 2003, 42 P. (in Russian)_x000D_
3. Yatsukhno V.M. global ecological convention: experience implementation in Belarus, minsk, 2002,192 p. (in Russian) _x000D_
4. Yatsukhno V.M. strategy for implementation the unccd in the republic of Belarus. brochure. belsens, Minsk, 2010. 44p._x000D_
5. Yatsukhno V.M. land resources and soils in: national report on the state of environment in the republic of Belarus. Minsk, 2006, P.27-42.
2. Yatsukhno V.M.., Chernysh A.F. problem of land degradation in Belarus (outlook information).minsk, 2003, 42 P. (in Russian)_x000D_
3. Yatsukhno V.M. global ecological convention: experience implementation in Belarus, minsk, 2002,192 p. (in Russian) _x000D_
4. Yatsukhno V.M. strategy for implementation the unccd in the republic of Belarus. brochure. belsens, Minsk, 2010. 44p._x000D_
5. Yatsukhno V.M. land resources and soils in: national report on the state of environment in the republic of Belarus. Minsk, 2006, P.27-42.
Other activities
1. Vice-president of Belarusian Geographic society_x000D_
2. Member of International Association for Landscape Ecology_x000D_
3. Member of national steering committee of the small grant programme of GEF in Belarus. _x000D_
4. Member of Scientific Council of National Society of soil science. _x000D_
5. Member of Ntural Association “LAND REFORM”
2. Member of International Association for Landscape Ecology_x000D_
3. Member of national steering committee of the small grant programme of GEF in Belarus. _x000D_
4. Member of Scientific Council of National Society of soil science. _x000D_
5. Member of Ntural Association “LAND REFORM”
1. academician prize laureate in the field of natural science (1999) _x000D_
2. ministry of natural resources and environment conservation award in the field of land use planning.
2. ministry of natural resources and environment conservation award in the field of land use planning.
Organisation name
Belarussian State University
Organisation street address
Nezalezhnasti av.,4, 220071
Organisation city
Organisation country
Organisation website