Independent experts nominated by country party

Norman Paterson

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
UN languages spoken


Job function
Telephone number
416 3682888
Work experience
Professional geophysicist with 47 years' experience in the fields of geophysics and remote sensing as applied to a variety of resource development problems, primarily in the developing countries. In the course of conducting mineral exploration and evaluation studies in Africa and Asia in the 1960's and 1970's Dr. Paterson became interested in the problems of groundwater and desertification. In his work for CIDA, UNDP, World Bank and other agencies in the 1970's and 1980's he included groundwater along with metallic and non-metallic minerals as an objective in the design, implementation and interpretation of numerous regional airborne survey programs._x000D_
He co-authored a paper in Ground Water (Paterson and Bosschart, 1987) dealing with the detection and mapping of groundwater by airborne geophysical methods. He was an invited lecturer at the UN and World Bank in 1985-86 on the same subject. He researched and helped develop new electromagnetic interpretation methods specific to the pro
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D. F.R.S.C., P. Eng.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Astier, J.L. and Paterson, N.R., 1989. Hydrogeological interest of aeromagnetic maps in crystalline and metamorphic areas, in Proceedings of Exploration '87: Third Decennial International Conference on Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration for Minerals and Groundwater, Ontario Geological Survey, Special Volume 3, p. 732-745._x000D_
2. Paterson, N.R., 1983, Exploration geophysics: Airborne, in AGID Guide to Mineral Resources Development, Association of Geoscientists for International Development, Report Series N°10., p. 121-152._x000D_
3. Paterson, N.R., 1985, Interpretation of airborne magnetometer/gamma-ray spectrometer surveys, region of Liptako-Gourma, West Africa, Canadian International Development Agency._x000D_
4. Paterson, N.R., 1986, Report on visit to Central Ground Water Bound Project, Jamshedpur, Bihar, India, United Nations Dept. of Technical Cooperation for Development._x000D_
5. Paterson, N.R., and Bosschart, R.A., 1987, Airborne geophysical exploration for ground water, Ground Wate
Organisation street address
85 Richmond Street, M5H 2C9
Organisation city
Toronto, Ontario
Organisation country