Independent experts nominated by country party
Pablo Eugenio Villagra
First name
Pablo Eugenio
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
UN languages spoken
Geographical Focus
Job function
Dr. in Biology
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo - (CONICET)
Telephone number
+54 261 5244205
Work experience
I have participated in 12 research proyects (7 as advisor) supported by CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Agencia Nacional de Ciencia y Técnica, National Geographic_x000D_
Society, IAI and other organisms. They include basic research of arid land ecology and it application on land management in the Monte desert. Main results obtained include: structure and_x000D_
dynamics of plant populations and communities from the Monte desert (especially Prosopis woodlands), importance of biological interactions, hydrology and nutrient cycle in arid lands,_x000D_
forestry practices in Monte woodlands, disturbance effects on plant communities, carbon and nutrient dynamics. Besides I have acted as assessor to government organisms in the establishment of management plants for natural areas.
Society, IAI and other organisms. They include basic research of arid land ecology and it application on land management in the Monte desert. Main results obtained include: structure and_x000D_
dynamics of plant populations and communities from the Monte desert (especially Prosopis woodlands), importance of biological interactions, hydrology and nutrient cycle in arid lands,_x000D_
forestry practices in Monte woodlands, disturbance effects on plant communities, carbon and nutrient dynamics. Besides I have acted as assessor to government organisms in the establishment of management plants for natural areas.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
1993 Biologist (Five year degree).Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina._x000D_
1998 Doctor in Biology. Biology Program. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Argentina
1998 Doctor in Biology. Biology Program. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Argentina
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Alvarez, J.A., Villagra, P.E., Rossi, B.E. & Cesca, E. Spatial and temporal litterfall_x000D_
heterogeneity generated by woody species in the Central Monte desert. Plant Ecology,_x000D_
en prensa._x000D_
2. Villagra, P.E., Defossé, G., Del Valle, H., Tabeni, M.S., Rostagno, C.M., Cesca, E. &_x000D_
Abraham, E.M. (2009) Land use and disturbance effects on the dynamics of natural_x000D_
ecosystems of the Monte Desert. Implications for their management. Journal of Arid_x000D_
Environments 73: 202–211._x000D_
3. Villagra P.E., J. A. Boninsegna, J.A. Alvarez, M. Cony, E. Cesca & R. Villalba. (2005)._x000D_
Dendroecology of Prosopis flexuosa woodlands in the Monte desert: Implications for_x000D_
their management. Dendrochronologia, 22: 209-213._x000D_
4. Villagra P.E. & J.B. Cavagnaro. 2005. Effects of salinity-soil type interactions on the_x000D_
establishment, growth and water relations of Prosopis argentina and P. alpataco_x000D_
seedlings. Implications for their ecological success. Austral Ecology 30:325-335._x000D_
5. Rossi, B.E. y P.E. Villagra. 2003. Prosopis flexuosa effects on the spatial pattern of_x000D_
understory species and soil properties in the Monte desert (Argentina). Journal of_x000D_
Vegetation Science. 14: 543-550.
heterogeneity generated by woody species in the Central Monte desert. Plant Ecology,_x000D_
en prensa._x000D_
2. Villagra, P.E., Defossé, G., Del Valle, H., Tabeni, M.S., Rostagno, C.M., Cesca, E. &_x000D_
Abraham, E.M. (2009) Land use and disturbance effects on the dynamics of natural_x000D_
ecosystems of the Monte Desert. Implications for their management. Journal of Arid_x000D_
Environments 73: 202–211._x000D_
3. Villagra P.E., J. A. Boninsegna, J.A. Alvarez, M. Cony, E. Cesca & R. Villalba. (2005)._x000D_
Dendroecology of Prosopis flexuosa woodlands in the Monte desert: Implications for_x000D_
their management. Dendrochronologia, 22: 209-213._x000D_
4. Villagra P.E. & J.B. Cavagnaro. 2005. Effects of salinity-soil type interactions on the_x000D_
establishment, growth and water relations of Prosopis argentina and P. alpataco_x000D_
seedlings. Implications for their ecological success. Austral Ecology 30:325-335._x000D_
5. Rossi, B.E. y P.E. Villagra. 2003. Prosopis flexuosa effects on the spatial pattern of_x000D_
understory species and soil properties in the Monte desert (Argentina). Journal of_x000D_
Vegetation Science. 14: 543-550.
Other activities
1. Five conferences and more than 40 presentations to congress and scientific meetings_x000D_
2. Guest editor of the special Number of the Monte Desert in Journal of Arid Environment_x000D_
3. Member of the Committee for Forest Ordination of Mendoza Province. Direction of aRenovable Natural Resource. Gobierno de Mendoza._x000D_
4. Member of the Directive Commission of the Ecological Society from Argentina
2. Guest editor of the special Number of the Monte Desert in Journal of Arid Environment_x000D_
3. Member of the Committee for Forest Ordination of Mendoza Province. Direction of aRenovable Natural Resource. Gobierno de Mendoza._x000D_
4. Member of the Directive Commission of the Ecological Society from Argentina
Organisation name
Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria
Organisation street address
Alte Brown S/N. 5505. Chacras de Coria
Organisation city
Organisation country
Organisation website