Independent experts nominated by country party

Pheng Sengxua

First name
Last name
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Land Use Planning
Environmental Management
UN languages spoken


Job function
Agricultural Land Use Planning Centre, Department of Agricultural Land Management
Telephone number
00 856 21770075
Work experience
2003 Survey on upland farmers’ perception on soil fertility changing underslash and burn systems in northern Lao (for Ph.D thesis), _x000D_
2005 Survey on the impact of opium elimination on farmers living conditions in northern Laos, _x000D_
2006 Survey on Environment Impact Assessment in the Jatropha Curcas Plantation and Bio-diese Production Project_x000D_
cultivated area for the KOLAO company,_x000D_
2007 Survey on the vegetable and fruit production and marketing system in Vientiane Capital for FAO/LAO/2007-0012;_x000D_
2007-2008 Study on Production Development and Enhancing Efficiency for Rice Export Mechanism in Laos with National Economic Research Institute (NERI) and International Institute for Trade Development (ITD),Thailand, _x000D_
2009 Rapid assessment of stock and marketing system of paddy/rice in Lao PDR, _x000D_
2009-2014 Implementing Coordinator of Developed Improving Farming and Marketing Systems in Rainfed region of Southern Lao PDR
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ms.c in Agrochemistry in Tashkent_x000D_
PhD in soil sciences at the Agricultural University, Khonken University of Thailand in 2005
Number of Publications
Publication titles
Journal Participation: 1. Sengxua, P. and Linquist B. 2001. Nitrogen application in rainfed lowland rice in the Lao_x000D_
PDR. The Lao Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 3:32-41._x000D_
2. Linquist B.A. and Sengxua P. In Press. Efficient and flexible management of nitrogen forrainfed lowland rice. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 3. P. Sengxua, B. Toomsan, B. Linquist, R. Lefroy and V. Limpinuntana. The effect of tillage_x000D_
on performance of upland rice varieties in northern Laos. The Khon Kean Agri. J. 35 (1):70-83 (2007)._x000D_
4) P. Sengxua, B. Toomsan, B. Linquist, R. Lefroy and V. Limpinuntana. Root growth and morphology of five different yielding upland rice varieties in northern Laos. The Khon_x000D_
Kean Agri. J. 35 (3) : 308-319 (2007)_x000D_
Other Published Conference Proceedings: 1) Whitbread, A., Schiller, J. and Lathvilayvong, P. 1998._x000D_
Evaluating nutrient deficiencies and management strategies for lowland rice in Lao PDR. In: Ladha, J.K., Wade, L.J., Dobermann, A., Reichardt, W., Kirk, G.J.D. and Piggin, C. ed. Rainfed lowland rice: Advances in nutrient management research. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Nutrient Research in Rainfed Lowlands,12-15 Oct. 1998, Ubon Ratchatathani, Thailand. 2). Linquist, B.A., Sengxua, P., Whitbread, A. and Changpengsay. 1999. The potential of_x000D_
on-farm residues for improving rainfed lowland rice productivity. ACIAR Proceedings, 3) Chanphengsay, M., Whitbread, A., Schiller, J., Blair, G., Linquist, B.A.,_x000D_
Lathvilayvong, P. and Sengxua, P. 1999. Soil fertility decline in Lao PDR and the potential of pre-rice green manures to improve the sustainability of rice production systems. ACIAR Proceedings
Other activities
Member of IRRI and ACIAR
Organisation name
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Organisation city
Organisation country
Lao People's Democratic Republic