Independent experts nominated by country party

Rex Victor Cruz

First name
Rex Victor
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Soil Science
Information Systems
UN languages spoken


Job function
Professor II
University of the Philipines Los Banos
Telephone number
63 49 536-5314
Work experience
25 years of work experience, leadership in several research and development projects on watershed and forestry. _x000D_
Preparation of the Guidelines for Watershed Management and Development in the Philippines, leadership of projects for several watersheds in regions of Philippines_x000D_
Leader of the Kaliwa Watershed Research and Development Support Project_x000D_
involved in studies on the impacts of climate change on forests in Asia _x000D_
A member of the Intergovernmental Panel ion Climate Change Working Group II from 1993 to 2000 for the Second and Third Assessment Report
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
1. Ph.D. in Watershed Management, University of Arizona, 1990_x000D_
2. MS in Forestry, University of the Philippines Los Banos, 1981_x000D_
3. BS in Forestry, University of the Philippines Los Banos, 1977
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Watershed Research in the Philippines: Abstracts, Issues and Needs, 2002_x000D_
2. Impacts, Adaption and Vulnerability: Asia. In climate change, WMO-UNEP, 2001_x000D_
3. GIS-based Atlas of Selected Watersheds in the Philippines, Joint publication of the Department of Science and Etchnology-Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources research Development , and the University of the Philippines Los Banos-college of Forestry and Natural Resources, , 2001_x000D_
4. Mitigating Measures for El Nino and La Nina Southern Oscillatin: Mitigating Measures, Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources research Development, Department of Science and Technology and Department of Agriculture, 2001_x000D_
5. Guidelines for Watersheds Management and Development in the Philippines published by PCARRD-DOST, FMB-DENR, DA and FDC-ENFOR-CFNER-UPLB, 1999
Other activities
1. International Association for the Studz of Common Property_x000D_
2. Alumni Association of the University of Arizona_x000D_
3. National Research Council of the Philippines_x000D_
4. Society of Filipino Foresters_x000D_
5. Soil Research, Development and extension Network of the Philippines
1. Mancano Award 2001, Most Outstanding Alumnus of the Colege of Forestry and natural resources (CFNR). 2. Most Outstanding Reserarcher 2001 of the College of Forestry and Natural resources, University of the Philipines Los Banos_x000D_
3. Nicolas Lansigan Prof
Organisation name
Organisation street address
IRNR College of Forestry and Natural Resources _x000D_
University of the Philippines
Organisation city
Organisation country