Independent experts nominated by country party

Riaz Ahmad Khattak

First name
Riaz Ahmad
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Agricultural Sciences
Soil Science
UN languages spoken


Job function
Department of Socil Science
Telephone number
92 521 40230-31/840427
Work experience
As postdoctoral research soil scientist (1987-89) at Dept. Soil and Env. Sciences, UC Riverside, I worked in several research projects:_x000D_
- Investigated the effect of on site disposal of residual and blow down water on quality of soil and ground water at Mojave desert._x000D_
- Studied nitrate-N in the deep profiles of desert soils, Mojave, California._x000D_
- Participated and completed projects on Se, As, Mo and P accumulation by crops-US Salinity Drainage Task Force._x000D_
- Since 1990 completed studies on trace elements pollution of terrestrail-aquatic system, Kabal River. Pollution of soils and crops in the urban area of Peshawar City. Evaluated soil fertility of deforested soils of Kaghan Valley._x000D_
- Investigated the problem of salinization at District Karak._x000D_
- Presented a review paper on the management of dry land resources to combat desertification in Bahawalpur desert.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
M.Sc. Agricultural (Soil Science) University of Peshawar, 1976._x000D_
Ph.D. Soil Science, Univ. of Riverside, California, USA.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Khattak, R.A., & A.L. Page, 1992. Mechanism of Manganese absorption on soil constituents. pp. 383-400. In: D.C. Adviano (ed.) Biogeochemistry of Trace Metals, Raton, London, Lewris Publ._x000D_
2. Khattak, R.A., 1992. Soil Sustainability. In: A. Parvaiz (ed.) Proc. Nat. Conference on Agric. Sustainability & Natural Resources Mangt. in Pakistan Asiatic-USAID, Islamabad, 42-44._x000D_
3. Franco Viz caino and R.A. Khattak, 1990. Elementary Composition of soils and tissues of natural jojoba population sample at Baja California, J. Arid Environ. 1ยง9:55-63 (U.K.)._x000D_
4. Marret, D.J., R.A. Khattak, A.A. Elseewi, and A.L. Page, 1990. Elevated nitrate levels in soils of eastern Mojave desert. J. Environ. Qual. 19:658-663._x000D_
5. Khattak, R.A., and W.M. Jarrell, 1989. Effect of saline irrigation waters on soil manganese and bioavailability to sugarbeet. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 53:701-705._x000D_
6. Khattak, R.A., H. Khan and F.U. Khan, 1997. Contamination of soils and crops by Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn in
Other activities
1. Pakistan Soil Sci. Society._x000D_
2. Scope._x000D_
3. ALGAS: Asian Low Gas Abatement Studies._x000D_
4. Editorial Board: Pak. J. Soil Sci. and Sarhad J. of Agric._x000D_
5. Member, Academic Council, Syndicate and Board of Studies.
1. Gold Medal, 1972._x000D_
2. President of Pakistan Award (1972)._x000D_
3. Board of Governor: Al-Khair University.
Organisation name
NWFP Agricultural University
Organisation city
Organisation country