Independent experts nominated by country party

Rodney A. Savidge

First name
Rodney A.
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Physical Science
UN languages spoken


Job function
Faculty of Forestry & Environment
Telephone number
506 1 4534919
Work experience
Long experience in scholarly and professional organizations:_x000D_
- Supervision in student research;_x000D_
- Presentations in conferences, seminars, workshops;_x000D_
- Review of grant proposals, manuscripts for journals;_x000D_
- Contracts, fellowships;_x000D_
- Membership and active involvement in professional and learned societies;_x000D_
- Service to the University.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
- B.Sc.F., Forestry (1st class Honours), University of Toronto, 1973-76._x000D_
- M.Sc.F., Tree Physiology, University of Toronto, 1976-1977._x000D_
- Ph.D., Plant Physiology, Aberystwyth, University of Wales, 1977-81._x000D_
- University Professor, 1995.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Savidge, R.A. (in press). Protoplasmic autolysis during xylem-cell differentiation. In Plant Senescence, with particular reference to Plant Growth Substances, edited by L.M.S. Palni, Gynodaya Prakashan, Nainital, India._x000D_
2. Savidge, R.A. (1993). Formation of annual rings in trees. In Oscillations and Morphogenesis, edited by L. Rensing, Marcel Dekker Publ., New York, Basel, Hong Kong, pp. 343-363._x000D_
3. Savidge, R.A. (1990). Phytohormonal regulation of cambial growth in trees. In Fast Growing Trees and Nitrogen Fixing Trees, edited by D. Werner and P. Müller, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart. pp. 142-151._x000D_
4. Savidge, R.A. (1990). Phytohormone regulation of secondary xylem development. In IUFRO XIX World Congress (Montreal), Proc. Div. 5, Forestry, Canada, pp. 65-76._x000D_
5. Savidge, R.A. (1986). Prospects for genetic manipulation of wood quality. In New Ways in Forest Genetics, edited by F. Caron, A.G. Corriveau and T.J.B. Boyle. Part 2, pp. 159-165. Can. For. Ser., Chal
Organisation name
University of New Brunswick
Organisation street address
Management, UNB, Federation,, E3B 6C2
Organisation city
New Brunwick
Organisation country