Independent experts nominated by country party

Shamsuddin Tunio

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken


Job function
Associate Professor
Department of Agronomy
Telephone number
Work experience
As an agronomist and crop physiologist, I have wider experience in conducting resarch projects, delivering seminars and writing technical reports and research papers._x000D_
Besides this I have four years project experience abroad during my Ph.D. research (1986-1990) at the University of Wales, Bangor, UK._x000D_
I also carry experience of teaching and research in the field of agronomy by doing courses with graduate and post-graduate students. The subjects of their study include crop production, environmental physiology, conservation agronomy and research report writing._x000D_
Whereas, post-graduate guidance in courses and research involve research projects in agronomy and its related fields such as crop production, water management, crop physiology and conservation agronomy I am recognised advisor for M.Sc., M. Phil and Ph.D. students in agronomy, SAU Tandojam.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
M.Sc. (Agric.) Hons., Agronomy, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam (1980)._x000D_
Ph.D. Agronomy (Crop Physiology), University of Wales (1990).
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. S. Tunio, N.J. Rajput, M.A. Rajput and F.K. Rajput. 1980. Effect of row and plant spacing on the growth and yield of soybean, Egypt, J. Agron. 5(1):57-67._x000D_
2. Tunio, S.D. and D. Wright. 1993. Effect of plant growth regulators on the growth and development of wheat genotypes. Pak: J. Agri: Agril. Engg: Vet. Sci:9(1&2):1-8._x000D_
3. Kalwar, K.B., and S.D. Tunio, 1994. Effect of irrigation scheduling at different stages on the yield of wheat. J. Drain. and reclam. 6(1&2): 23-27._x000D_
4. Tunio, S.D., and D. Wright, 1995. Effect of growth regulators on yield attributes of winter and spring wheat. Pak. J. Agri., Agril. Engg. & Vet Sci. 11(1&2):21-27._x000D_
5. Tunio, S.D. 1993. Conservation Ahgronomy in protected areas. Modern Agriculture 4(8):4-11.
Other activities
Teaching and research activities in agronomy department at Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam._x000D_
Guide to M.Sc., M. Phil and Ph.D. students in agronomy._x000D_
Member, Editorial Board, Monthly Science, Sindh Science Society._x000D_
Expert/Referee, Pakistan Journal of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Veterinary Sciences, SAU Tandojam._x000D_
Chief Coordinator, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam.
1. Jahania Science Award, Jahania Adabi Council Tandojam (1995)._x000D_
2. Allama I.I. Kazi Education Award, Sindh Rural Development Society Tandojam (1996)._x000D_
3. Gold Medal Award, Sindh Agriculture University students zone (1996).
Organisation name
Sindh Agriculture University
Organisation street address
Organisation city
Organisation country