Independent experts nominated by country party

Tayeb Ameziane El Hassani

First name
Last name
Ameziane El Hassani
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken




Job function
Telephone number
212 7 778645
Work experience
Dr. Ameziane is a professional agronomist and crop physiologist and has been working in the field of crop production and management since 1975. He has also participated in programmes concerned with the development of animal production. Since 1982, Dr. Ameziane has undertaken research on farming systems under dry conditions with particular reference to the study of ley farming system as means of intensifying cereal and forage production. At the same time, he has carried out research on modelling growth and yield of field crops for diagnosis and prediction._x000D_
Within the framework of development projects, research contracts and consultations, Dr. Ameziane has worked for the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the International Foundation for Science (IFS), the European Union (UE), the Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation (ACCT), the Francophone Agency for Higher Education and Research (AUPELF.UREF), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D, Agronomy & Modelling, University of Reading, England, UK, 1986._x000D_
Msc, Crop Physiology, University of Reading, England, UK, 1981._x000D_
Ingénieur Agronome Spécialisé, Crop Production, IAV Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco, 1975._x000D_
Diplôme of Advanced Agronomy, INA Paris-Grignon, Paris, France, 1974._x000D_
BSc, Agriculture, IAV Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco, 1973.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Ameziane El Hassani, T. & Persoons, E. (Eds), 1995. Agronomie Moderne : Bases agronomiques et physiologiques de la production végétale. Collection Universités Francophones, Edition Hatier, Paris._x000D_
2. Ameziane El Hassani, T. (1994). Evaluation of the Burkina Faso-INERA Production Systems Research and Natural Ressources Management Programme. Report to USAID, Ouagadougou._x000D_
3. Ameziane El Hassani, T. (1995). Evaluation de l'impact de la sécheresse de 1994-95 sur la production des semences et plants au Maroc. Rapport soumis à la DPV/MAMVA et FAO._x000D_
4. Ameziane El Hassani, T. (1996). Etude d'évaluation de l'impact de l'ajustement structurel au niveau des exploitations agricoles, typologie et modèles de ferme. in : Evaluation de l'impact des mesures d'ajustement structurel dans le secteur de l'agriculture au Maroc. Rapport soumis à la DPAE/MAMVA et FAO._x000D_
5. Ameziane El Hassani, T. (1997). IFA International Fertilizer Award : Assessment of the winner. Evaluation Report to IFA
Other activities
1. Director of College of Agriculture and previous Head of Agronomy Department at IAV Hassan II _x000D_
2. Active member of Scientific Committee and of Editorial Board of the francophone journal "Agricultures", published by John Libbey Eurotext and Aupelf.Uref, Paris._x000D_
3. Membership of several national and international scientific/professional associations in Morocco_x000D_
(ANAFID, ANAPPAV, ANPA, AMN), in France (AFPF), in UK (BGS) and USA (ASA).
Scientific adviser to IFS (Stockholm), AUPELF.UREF (Paris) and IFA (Paris).
Organisation name
Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II
Organisation street address
Rabat-Instituts, BP: 6202
Organisation city
Organisation country