Independent experts nominated by country party

Thavone Inthavong

First name
Last name
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Soil and water conservation
UN languages spoken



Job function
Agriculture and Forestry Policy Research Centre, Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI)
Telephone number
00 856 85621770078
Work experience
My project experiences are mainly focus on crop production constraints. These included (1) characterization of agro-ecological zoning for crop suitability in Lao PDR, (2) Spatial_x000D_
variations in water availability, soil nutrient and crop yield, (3) analysis of climate variability and the applicability of seasonal climate forecasting, included identifying a suite of crop, soil_x000D_
nutrient, water management techniques that build cropping systems, helping farmer decision making, as well as providing key NAFRI input into the development of adaptation strategies._x000D_
Currently, I work for the Agriculture and Forestry Policy Research Centre, NAFRI with the role as Director of the Centre.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD on Crop modelling at University of Queensland Australia in 2009.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1) Inthavong, T. V., Kam, S. P., Basnayake, J., Fukai, S., Linquist, B., and Chanphengsay, M. (2004). Application of GIS technology for development of crop water availability maps for Lao PDR. In: Water in Agriculture, ACIAR proceeding 116 (V. Seng, E. Craswell, S. Fukai and K. Fischer, eds.), pp. 292_x000D_
302. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra. 2) Inthavong, T. V., M. Tsubo and S.Fukai (2010). A water balance model for characterization of length of growing period and water stress development for rainfed lowland rice, Field Crops Research 121(2011) 291–301, 3). Inthavong, T. V., S.Fukai and M. Tsubo (2011). Spatial Variations in Water Availability, Soil Fertility and Grain Yield in Rainfed Lowland Rice: A Case Study from Savannakhet Province, Lao PDR. Plant Prod. Sci. 14(2): 184_x0002_195 (2011), 4). Inthavong, T. V., M. Tsubo and S.Fukai (2012). Soil clay content, rainfall, and toposequence positions determining spatial variation in field water availability as estimated by a water balance model for rainfed lowland rice. Crop & Pasture Science, 2012, 63, 529–538, (5). Inthavong, T. V., S.Fukai and M. Tsubo (2013). Simulation model estimation of separate effect of water and nutrient limitation and variation in fertilizer requirement for rainfed lowland rice within a province in the Mekong region. Field Crops Research
Other activities
1. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)_x000D_
2. Adaptation to Climate Change in Asia (ACCA) _x000D_
3. Southeast Asia Regional Centre (SeaSTART)_x000D_
4. Asian Food & Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (AFACI)_x000D_
5. Climate Risk Management in Agriculture with Demonstration sites in Indonesia, Lao PDR and Bangladesh (CRMA)
1. Awards on Great Contribuiton to Consolidation of Cooperation and Friendhip between Vietnam and Lao PDR_x000D_
2. Awards on Contribution to Agricultural Research and Development_x000D_
3. Government Medal on Great Contribution in Agricultural Research
Organisation name
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Organisation street address
P.O box 7170_x000D_
Organisation city
Organisation country
Lao People's Democratic Republic