Independent experts nominated by country party
Tylla Babaeva
First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
UN languages spoken
Job function
Nature and Geography Faculty
Telephone number
993 (99312)357341
Work experience
1. Desertification Project for Improving Ecological Conditions of Population in Aral Region (1990-1993) (participant)._x000D_
2. Development of National System of Monitoring Desertification for Optimization Nature Using. (1996-1998), Turkmenistan (participant)._x000D_
3. State of Environment in Central Asian Republics. 1994 (participant)._x000D_
4. National Action Programme to Combat Desertification in Turkmenistan. 1996 (participant).
2. Development of National System of Monitoring Desertification for Optimization Nature Using. (1996-1998), Turkmenistan (participant)._x000D_
3. State of Environment in Central Asian Republics. 1994 (participant)._x000D_
4. National Action Programme to Combat Desertification in Turkmenistan. 1996 (participant).
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
1978 - Turkmen State University, Faculty of Geography_x000D_
1983 - Post Graduate of Turkmen State University_x000D_
1984 - Doctor of Geography "Remote Sensing Using for Study of Desertification Control in Turkmenistan".
1983 - Post Graduate of Turkmen State University_x000D_
1984 - Doctor of Geography "Remote Sensing Using for Study of Desertification Control in Turkmenistan".
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Methodological Principles of Desertification Processes Assessment and Mapping, Ashgabat, 1985._x000D_
2. Explanatory Note to the Map of Manmade Desertificationof the USSR Arid Lands Scale 1:2 500 000. Ashgabat, 1988._x000D_
3. Methodological Principles of Desertification Control and Mapping in Sahel Zone. Ashgabat, 1991._x000D_
4. Explanatory Note to the Map of Manmade Degradation of Lands in Aral Sea Region Scale 1:2 500 000. Ashgabat, 1993._x000D_
5. Criteria and Methodology of Desertification Processes in Sahel Zone. Ashgabat, 1993.
2. Explanatory Note to the Map of Manmade Desertificationof the USSR Arid Lands Scale 1:2 500 000. Ashgabat, 1988._x000D_
3. Methodological Principles of Desertification Control and Mapping in Sahel Zone. Ashgabat, 1991._x000D_
4. Explanatory Note to the Map of Manmade Degradation of Lands in Aral Sea Region Scale 1:2 500 000. Ashgabat, 1993._x000D_
5. Criteria and Methodology of Desertification Processes in Sahel Zone. Ashgabat, 1993.
Other activities
1. Member of Geographical Society of Turkmenistan._x000D_
2. 1993-1995 Head of Department of Geography Faculty of Turkmen State University.
2. 1993-1995 Head of Department of Geography Faculty of Turkmen State University.
Prize of Youth and Students of the Soviet Union in Science and Technics Field, 1984.
Organisation name
Turkmen State University
Organisation street address
15, Bitarap Turkmenistan St., 744 000
Organisation city
Organisation country