Independent experts nominated by country party

Ueru Tanaka

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
Agricultural Sciences
Natural Resource Management
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Burkina Faso
Job function
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies
Telephone number
+81 75 753-6299
Work experience
1) South-to-South Technology Transfer to Control Desertification in the Sahel, West Africa (Research project, Niger, 2008 – 2011)_x000D_
2) Mechanisms and Ways to Improve Fertility of Sandy Soil in the Sahel, West Africa (Joint research project with JIRCAS and ICRISAT-Niamey, Niger, 2005 – 2011)_x000D_
3) Approaches to Improve Crop Productivity and to Reduce Wind Erosion in the Sahel, West Africa (Research Project under RINH, 2009)
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Dr. Agricultural Science, Kyoto Univ., 1997
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Ikazaki, K. Shinjo, H., Tanaka, U., Tobita, S., and Kosaki, T. 2009: Sediment catcher to trap coarse organic matter and soil particles transported by wind., Transactions of the ASABE, 52(2), 487-492 _x000D_
2. Iizuka, A., Le Van An and Tanaka, U. 2008: Participatory rural development for sustainable livelihoods in Central Vietnam., SANSAI - An Environmental Journal for the Global Community -, 3, 77-102 _x000D_
3. Satoshi T. , H. Shinjo, K. Hayashi, R. Matsunaga, R. Miura, U. Tanaka, T. Abdoulaye and O. Ito 2007: Identification of plant genetic resources with high potential contribution to the soil fertility enhancement in the Sahel -with special interest in fallow vegetation-., Proceedings for Innovations as Key to the Green Revolution in Africa-Exploring the Scientific Facts, 17th-21st September, Arusha, Tanzania _x000D_
4. Ikazaki K., H. Shinjo, U. Tanaka, and T. Kosaki 2007: Development of a new sediment catcher to evaluate the effect of wind erosion on carbon dynamics in the Sahel, West Africa. Proceedings for International Symposium on Organic Matter Dynamics in Agro-Ecosystems, July 16-19, Poitiers, France _x000D_
5. Tanaka,U., Ikazaki, K., and Shinjo, H. 2005: Behaviors and functions of organic materials under Sahelian environment in relating to soil fertility management. JIRCAS and ICRlSAT Symposium on the improvement of fertility of sandy soils in the semi-arid zone of West Africa through organic matter management, 10 September, Niamey, Niger
Other activities
1. Enhancing Community Resilience and livelihood security to Cope with Natural Disasters in Central Vietnam (JICA partnership project with Kyoto University and Hue University, 2006 – 2009) _x000D_
2. Vulnerability and Socio-Ecological Resilience in Rural Community, Zambia (Joint research project with RINH and ZARI, Zambia, 2006 – 2011) _x000D_
3. Chronic Hazards and Community Resilience in Indo-China Region (Research project, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, 2008 – 2011)
1. Award for Encouragement of Research in Soil Science (2000/Japanese Society of Soils and fertilizer).
Organisation name
Kyoto University
Organisation street address
457-4 Kamigamo_x000D_
kita-ku, 606-8501
Organisation city
Organisation country