Independent experts nominated by country party

Vanina Pietragalla

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Environmental economics
Environmental sciences/ecology
Information technologies (including remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS))
Statistics and demographic sciences
Thematic Areas
Climate change
Disaster risk management
Economic development
Ecosystem services
Environmental degradation
Environmental governance
Environmental impact assessment
Environmental policy analysis
Extreme events
Food security
Integrated natural resources management
Land cover change
Land degradation
Land restoration/reclamation
Land-climate system
Land-use change
Landscape ecology
Livelihood analysis
Monitoring and assessment
Natural hazards
Policy analysis
Population growth
Rangeland management
Risk assessment
Rural development
Sustainable development
Sustainable land management
Traditional knowldege
UN languages spoken



Geographical Focus
Job function
Technical Advisor
Telephone number
+5411 3990-0400 int 2018
Work experience
I have more than 15 years teaching on environmental economics and politics topics, and more than 10 in the development and implementation of several programs and projects related to the assessment and monitoring of land degradation, desertification and mitigation of drought. Among the projects in which I have been participating. I’ll summarized the main ones: the elaboration of the bases of a National Plan for the adaptation and mitigation of Drought in Argentina; the coordination of the project "Increasing Climate Resilience and Improving Sustainable Land Management in the Southwest of the Province of Buenos Aires" executed together with the World Bank, with excellent results at subnational and local level, technical advisor of the project "Decision support for the Integration and Expansion of Sustainable Land Management", among others. I also have extensive academic training in management, identification and implementation of sustainable land management practices, environmental land use planning and conservation of ecosystem services.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Magister in Agribussiness and Food, FAUBA, 2009; Specialist in GIS for enviaronmental studies, UNLU 2010; among other postdegree courses.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (MAyDS) (2020) “Reporte final sobre las bases para una estrategia nacional de adaptación y mitigación de los efectos de la sequía en la República Argentina”. Link:
2. Therburg, A.; Corso, M.L.; Stamati, M.; Bottero, C.; Lizana, P.; y Pietragalla, V. (Eds.). 2019. "Síntesis de resultados de la evaluación de la degradación de tierras: 2012-2017, del Observatorio Nacional de Degradación de Tierras y Desertificación". IADIZA-Mendoza, 1a. ed. 184 pp. ISBN: 978-987-23430-3-3. Archivo digital:
3. Pietragalla, V.; Di Paola, M.M.; Ordoqui, S.; Lanfredi, R. (2018) “Compensación por servicios ecosistémicos. La ganadería en los pastizales naturales de la provincia de Entre Ríos como caso de estudio”. MODELIZACIÓN ECONÓMICA EN EL SECTOR AGROPECUARIO
7mo. Taller internacional: La modelizaciónl sector agropecuario: Buenos Aires, Argentina | Carmen Enriqueta Vicien ... [et al.]. - 1a ed.– Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Carmen Enriqueta Vicién, 2018. Pag. 31-69. ISBN 978-987-42-8438-9. Link:
4. • Akhtar-Schuster, M.; Bernoux, M.; Chotte, J-L.; Stringer, L.C.; Gustovic, H.; Pietragalla, V. (2017) “Les plateformes science-politique abordant des problématiques liées à la desertification”. Institut de la Francophonie pour le Développement Durable. Liaison Energie-Francophonie. Número 105 – 2ª Trimestre 2017 “Désertificacion et Système terre. De la (re) connaissance à l’action”. Pag.31-35. ISSN 0840-7827. Link:
5. García, César Luis; Rubio, Cecilia; Sharpe, Nicholas; Pietragalla, Vanina; Basterrechea, Txaran; Alvarez, Javier; Solazzo, David. (2016) “Avaliação da degradação das terras - Aplicação da Metodologia LADA nos municípios de estúdio do projecto RETESA - FAO – Angola”. Publicacao do projecto FAO - 148pp. Link:
Other activities
1. Member of the Steering Committee of the National Observatory of Land Degradation and Desertification (ONDTyD – and member of the Ad-hoc Socioeconomic Group of the National Observatory of Land
2. SubcSub-coordinator of the Technical Commission on Droughts (Nª16) of the POAGIR, as provided for in the National Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction, in accordance with National Law SINAGIR 27,287.
3. Member of the Intergovernamental Working Group on “effective policy and implementation for addressing drought under the UNCCD” (IWG on Drought) on the behalf of LAC Region. Link:
4. Argentinean delegate for the Conference of the Parties of the UNCCD (COP9, COP12 and COP15).
5. Member of the Science-Policy Interface (SPI) on the behalf of LAC Region, from 2014-2017. Link:
Organisation name
Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development)
Organisation street address
San Martín 451, 2° Of. 258
Organisation city
Organisation country