Beata Houšková

She graduated at Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava. Study program: pedogeochemistry.

Senior scientific worker of NPPC - Soil Science and Conservation Research Institute in Bratislava dealing with soil physic and remediation, databases, soil biodiversity, soil awareness raising, soil degradation prevention, biodiversity and good agricultural practises.

PhD degree in agricultural and forestry sciences of SAS (Slovak Academy of Sciences).

Involved in several international research projects connected with soil water regime and remediation and COST activities. Since February 2003 till May consultant of FAO-AGLL Roma: “The Land Degradation Assessment in drylands; project (LADA)”.

Visiting scientist and grandholder at JRC / IES / Soil & Waste Unit, Ispra since July 2003 till July 2005. Involved in Danube basin soil database building for the project “Floods and other region weather-driven natural Hazards-Prediction and Mitigation (WDNH)” as needed for LISFLOOD model.

Since October 2005 contract agent at JRC / IES / Soil & Waste Unit, Ispra dealing with Danube database evaluation and use, Soil visual assessment and many tasks of SOIL project.

In 2010 employee of UNEP – WCMC as technical consultant UNCCD on PRAIS to Annex IV, V and other affected country Parties.

Since 2011 is back at VÚPOP, which since 2014 belongs into National Agricultural and Food Centre (NPPC).

She focuses on soil degradation processes and their interpretation on maps, on assessment of soil properties and soil awareness raising among public.

She is member of European Soil Bureau Network (ESBN), European Network for Soil Awareness (ENSA), Global Soil Partnership (GSP) and its branch - European Soil Partnership (ESP), as well as member of Global Soil Biodiversity Iniciative (GSBI) and life member of WASWC – World Association for Soil and Water Conservation, member of the subgroup of the Strategic Configuration of the Horizon Europe Programme Committee (SPC WG) on Mission Soil.

She is actively involved in UNCCD matters as STC and WPIEI – desertification member representing Slovakia. 

Beata Houskova
Beata Houšková