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IWG on mid-term evaluation of the 2018–2030 Strategic Framework


Building on the terms of reference, as agreed by the COP at its fifteenth session, the IWG-MTE will:

  1. Agree on a detailed plan and schedule for the midterm evaluation process, including the preparation of the independent assessment, a consultative process and the preparation of a report for the COP, as well as its own organization of work and schedule;
  2. Ensure that the first main component of the evaluation, the independent assessment, is responsive to the objectives and criteria of the evaluation and conducted according to high evaluation standards, and that the external evaluation experts preparing that assessment observe geographical and gender balance;
  3. Prepare, with the support of the secretariat, a draft report including the findings of the independent assessment, conclusions and recommendations, as well as preliminary observations of the group;
  4. Advise the secretariat on the organization of the participatory consultation on the conclusions and recommendations of the independent assessment, to be conducted during an intersessional meeting of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC);
  5. Prepare a report on the findings and recommendations of the midterm evaluation and submit it for the consideration of the COP at its sixteenth session.

The IWG-MTE consists of three representatives per region,  nominated by each region. The group is supported by seven observers: two members of the Science-Policy Interface, one representative each from three major international organizations and two representatives from civil society.