Hayley WEEKS

Hayley WEEKS represents the Cook Islands as part of the Asia-Pacific region on the IWG-MTE, which is also the only Small Island Developing State (SIDS) country in the working group.

She works with the Cook Islands National Environment Service (NES) where she manages the Environmental Partnerships division, which coordinates local government and non-government stakeholders with international partners and resources in order to contribute to national and global environment goals.

She also coordinates the Cook Islands Global Environment Facility (GEF) Operational Focal Point activities in the Cook Islands, including project development, consultation and implementation across the Cook Islands GEF portfolio. This includes projects within the land degradation focal area relating to UNCCD.

Hayley holds a Masters degree in Environmental Science from University College Dublin. She is a UK national but has resided in the Cook Islands for 10 years and proudly represents Cook Islands’ interests across various environment fora.

Hayley Weeks
Hayley WEEKS