Byong Hyon Kwon
A distinguished Korean diplomat, lawyer and academic. After his professional retirement, Kwon founded Future Forest in 2001, to raise awareness about desertification and yellow dust storms and to promote the participation of young people in environmental activities. In 2005, Future Forest began constructing the Korea-China Friendship Great Green Wall made of natural forests in order to "tame the yellow dragon" – the encroaching desert sands. Future Forest aims to plant one billion trees in China’s Kubuchi Desert to demonstrate that degraded land can be reclaimed. The Great Green Wall has already staked a foothold in the desert, with a 70 percent success rate in tree planting.
Desertification is one of the most severe and most serious problems we are now facing. We are trying to stand up in action in preventing and combatting desertification. We are dedicated and devoted and determined to do every effort to prevent desertification.
Byong Hyon Kwon