Date of Ratification
Annex III: Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
National Focal Points
Science and Technology Correspondents
Independent Experts Nominated by Party
UNCCD Accredited CSOs
Voluntary LDN Targets (Optional)
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Trinidad and Tobago commits to the following national target:
“LDN is achieved by 2030 with no net loss for the whole land area of the country and all its land cover classes, compared to the 2000-2015 baseline.”
The following sub-targets are elaborated to contribute to the national target:
- Rehabilitate 100 ha of spent quarry lands through community-based agroforestry
- Rehabilitate 100 ha of degraded forest and increase forest carbon stock by 5 per cent by 2030
- Improve productivity and soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in 500 ha of cropland by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline
- Improve national data and develop a mechanism for the collection and management of land productivity, land cover and SOCdata for future monitoring needs
- Increase local, sectoral and national awareness of SSM/SLM and LDN in support of addressing the drivers of land degradation
- Trinidad and Tobago - LDN TSP country report, 2020, English