Roundtable 1 - Rights, rewards and responsibilities: The future of land stewardship
The future of land stewardship relies on the responsible governance of tenure – affirming rights, offering rewards and assuming responsibilities. Secure land tenure is a significant enabler for land restoration and LDN initiatives. In the context of the UNCCD and its implementation, building on the internationally recognized principles of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security, is essential to ensure that the proposed actions for achieving LDN and land restoration targets embrace appropriate practices that safeguard legitimate tenure rights for all, particularly the most vulnerable.
This round table will give high-level decision-makers the opportunity to reflect on the potential of secure land tenure to address DLDD and enhance the implementation of the Convention. Participants are encouraged to share their country experiences and express the ways and means that the UNCCD and its partners could assist countries in addressing the challenges in successfully integrating land tenure into LDN and land restoration initiatives.