Date of Ratification
Annex III: Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)

National Focal Points

Science and Technology Correspondents

UNCCD Accredited CSOs

National Action Programmes

  • Antigua and Barbuda - National Action Programme, 2015, English

Voluntary LDN Targets (Optional)

National voluntary LDN targets (original language)

LDN target at national level:

  • LDN is achieved by 2030 as compared to 2015 to include the existing 9% degraded lands within our land mass becoming neutral or improved
  • The LDN TSP is aligned to the global SDG15 to achieve by 2030

LDN sub-targets:

  1. Reporting on the land use/land cover indicator reflects a 5% change towards the improvement of the land by 2030 compared to the 2015 baseline (net increase) and achieved through strengthened development control and other appropriate measures
  2. LDN is achieved in St Mary’s (priority), and St. John’s Parish by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline through sustainable land management practices (Indicators: stable Productivity and stable Soil Organic Carbon)


*An unofficial translation into English is provided for countries which articulated their targets in other languages.
  • Antigua and Barbuda - LDN country commitments, 2020, English
  • Antigua and Barbuda - LDN TSP country report, 2020, English

Country reports