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GWP: Integrated Water Resources Management Toolbox

The Global Water Partnership Integrated Water Resources Management (GWP IWRM) ToolBox is for anyone interested in adopting better practices for the management of water or learning more about how to improve water management at a local, national, regional or global level.

There are about 60 Tools: these are the key concepts that have to be addressed in managing water. 

There is no such thing as a one size fits all solution when it comes to applying IWRM.  Users should carefully approach the Tools and thoroughly evaluate which ones can best fit their given country, context, and situation. In order to facilitate this search, the Tools are organized in wider perspectives or thematic areas of IWRM: 

  • Enabling Environment (Tools A),
  • Institutional Arrangements (Tools B), and
  • Management Instruments (Tools C) (GWP, 2019).