Review of reports on implementation by affected Asian country Parties, including on the participatory process, and on experience gained and results achieved in the preparation and implementation of action programmes
Review of reports on implementation by affected Latin American and Caribbean country Parties, including on the participatory process, and on experience gained and results achieved in the preparation and implementation of action programmes
Review of reports on implementation by affected Northern Mediterranean and Central and Eastern European country Parties and other affected country Parties, including on the participatory process, and on experience gained and results achieved
Synthesis and preliminary analysis of information contained in reports submitted by affected Northern Mediterranean and Central and Eastern European country Parties and other affected country Parties
Progress made in the formulation and implementation of subregional and regional action programmes in Northern Mediterranean, Central and Eastern European and other affected country Parties
Review of reports by developed country Parties on measures taken to assist in the preparation and implementation of action programmes of affected country Parties of regions other than Africa, including information on financial resources
Review of information provided by relevant organs, funds and programmes of the United Nations system, as well as other intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, on their activities in support of the preparation and implementation
Review of available information regarding the mobilization and use of financial resources and other support by multilateral agencies and institutions, with a view to enhancing their effectiveness and efficiency towards achievement of objectives
Consideration of ways and means of promoting know-how and technology transfer for combating desertification and/or mitigating the effects of drought, as well as of promoting experience sharing and information exchange among parties
Consideration of ways and means of improving procedures for communication of information, as well as the quality and format of reports to be submitted to the conference of the parties